God rose up from the grave to forgive us for our sins that we have committed. No one is ever perfect or better than someone or something. Sin is the one and only thing that has kept us away from Jesus! Even if we repent, he will forgive us and will give us forgiveness no matter what!
Philippines 4:6 says… Don’t worry about anything instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done…
Here is an example of the good and bad that we commit. So say all the good things you do are written on a list in pencil, and you can erase it. Except the bad things you commit are written sharpie or pen and cannot be erased! But luckily our almighty God can erase it for us so we can live in Heaven with him forever!
Luke 6:31 says… Do to others as you would have them do to you for God did not send us to the world to argue but make world peace…
So say you are at a shop and the things are very expensive and you can’t afford it. But no one is looking so you quickly slip it into your pocket and you get away easily. The second you get home you feel smart but you also feel bad you did something wrong and you could be accused of stealing! When you get in bed your conscience says you did that and that was really bad! Your conscience is your brain telling you things that you should and shouldn’t do!
One day you are in your room playing with your toys minding your own business and your brother comes in and takes ALL of your toys! You dob on your brother and tell your mum he took all your toys but she doesn’t care because she says your brother is special and he deserves more! Do you think that is fair? I don’t think so! That’s what justice means to make things fair!
The Gospel is the good and great news set down from Heaven to save his people! God made his people by hand, with one gust of wind he made Adam. And with Adam’s rib he made Eve so Adam wasn’t lonely!
Sin is like aiming for the completely wrong target! No matter what you do you always miss and you don’t know why!
Psalm 66:5 says… “Come see the works of God; He is awesome in his doing toward the sons of men.”
Always remember to think before you do and speak because you could just make God’s world even better! Even the tiniest speck can make the greatest difference!
God has never ever lied because he is the Almighty King The Creator and can never sin! Our Lord is the lawgiver and the judge, he died for our sins so we could have eternal life and live in Heaven with him forever!
“The law is written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness…” Romans 2:15.
Our mighty Lord always does what is right and needs to be done! “Don’t worry about the Lord’s plan as it’s all for the good so everyone can be forgiven for their sins!”
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble… Psalm 46:1.
John 3:16 says.. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son. And those who believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his son to condemn the world but to save it through him!
Always remember to pray to the Lord when you have troubles and if he doesn’t answer your prayer keep praying. It may take time for your troubles to be solved.